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Common Behavioral Problems 

Owning a cat can be one of the best things you will ever do - it's like full-time entertainment for you and your family! But like any other living thing, cats can have some behavioral tendencies that can be super odd for us, like why do they sit in a loaf? Why do they knead? Don't get me wrong, all these are ADORABLE and totally harmless, but there are some behaviors that can quickly escalate and become a problem.

What are they?


Spraying is the way in which territory is marked and it's a natural instinct, but excessive can be stress-related. When the cat feels threatened, such as a new pet or move, the cat may resort to spraying; spraying usually ceases once the cat has gained confidence, but always try to reduce anxiety-provoking situations. To permanently stop spraying, consider it getting neutered.  

Nervous grooming

It can occur in any breed but is most common in Siamese. It can become an obsession and the cat can't stop which causes sore, bleeding patches to form. As always, go for a vet visit to spot any underlying issues, although some people have managed to break the cycle by putting orange juice on the cat's coat.

Refusing food

If you see your cat refusing its food, it can look pretty alarming. Most cats will eat anything, but maybe your's is just a fussy eater which is why it's important to understand your cat and find out what exactly their preferences are. Maybe it's only into certain kinds of food at a certain temperature, or only into fresh versus dried? If your cat rejects all kinds of food, vet visits are advised.

*If you want to read more about neutering and how it's useful for your cat, click below!

Less serious problems

1) Scratching furniture: It's an instinct, but if it's a bother you can prevent it by training them from an early age or getting a scratching post or other alternatives.

2) Stalking birds: Cats love to stalk any kind of prey, it's just who they are! 

3) Eating Houseplants: Cats like eating grass in small amounts, so if you see them attacking your prized plants, offer your cat a tray of grass as some plants can be poisonous.

Couch Cat Under Blanket
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