Types of domestic cats
There are three main categories of domestic cats
1) Long-haired cats
2) semi longed hair cats
3) Short-haired cats
Each of the three categories has a vast number of breeds in them, each equally unique and intriguing.
Down below is a small description of each breed along with links for each breed so you can read detailed info for them!
Long Haired Cats
Consists of breeds like the Persian, known for their stocky frame, large head, and short but luxurious tale along with the Javanese breed known for their fine and silky coat.

Semi - Long Haired Cats
Breeds like the Balinese, Birman, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, Ragdoll, Siberian Forest Cat, and Turkish Angora are all under this category.

Short Haired Cats
These breeds have shorter hair than both the others and include the Abyssinian, American shorthair, Siamese, and the Bengal.